Title: Mother Sea
Artist: An Nuo is a start of the performance arts and extraordinary creativity talent. She is the founder and creates the Spiritual Dance Art, which has opened a new artistic genre and age. With a brave and exploring’s spirit, she has spontaneously integrated with the therapy, musical, drama and film in her creative and spiritual needs through an abundant art works. Also, she continuously presents new elements and fresh creative concepts with rich and juicy inspirations.
Description/caption: An Nuo creates MOTHER SEA in August 2020. She loves oceans and nature. Also, She a start, pioneer and explorer in the creativity and performance arts. This piece narrates the ocean, likes our mother who give us life, love and courage and teach us be kind, board mind and wisdoms through the Spiritual dance languages and emotions.
Website: nuospiritualart.org
Facebook/ Instagram: An Nuo Spiritual Dance & Arts
Medium: Movement/art (video)