What is the Truth? 


They say they’ve done their best 

with what they have 

and I 


between the desire to believe them 

to make peace with them 

with myself 

but I 

also see 

around them 

the resources 

left untouched 

the opportunities 


the depths unexplored 

I see the non-attempts 

the lies 

but then they said 

they tried their best 

but the proof I see 

is the opposite of their words 

and I 

doubt my eyes again 

and I  

let the uncertainty 

the non-decision 

the emotions yanking in different directions 

pull me apart again 

until the broken pieces of me 

hurt too much 

and I  

must make a choice 

to decide on a version 

of a truth 

so I can glue me 

whole again 


Title: What is the Truth?

Artist: Shifa Kapadwala

Description/caption: What is the Truth? is born from the endless questions, uncertainties, and lack of trust that exists in dysfunctional families.

Medium: Writing