Open Call for Art Submissions

  • What Are We Looking For?

    This year's theme is Rebirth! As seasons change, there comes a time when all the leaves fall. In the spring, the foliage is renewed. As allies, community members, and survivors, we go through similar periods of growth and release. We invite you to explore what this rebirth looks like to you.

    Womankind is curating artwork—intentional or accidental—including those that may have been created through engagement with self-expression and creative healing modalities.

    We welcome work by survivors and allies against gender-based violence, especially from AAPI and other marginalized communities.

    The in-person and virtual art exhibit will debut to the public on Thursday, October 24th. More details to follow!

  • Submission Guidelines

    Womankind respects and values all forms of expression and welcomes all mediums and styles. This includes, but is not limited, to painting, drawing, sculpture, music, dance, writing, poetry, collage, graphic art, and performance art.

    Submissions must be in a format that can be shared over a web-based platform.

    Individual files cannot exceed 10MB.

    Up to 5 files per person.

    Although we hope to showcase as many artworks as we can, please understand that there is limited space in the exhibit. The submission deadline is Friday, October 18th.